
Faith / 盲信

¥210,000 税込



【印刷方法 / Printing Method】

Direct Print on Aluminum Dibond (ダイレクトプリント on アルミニウム・ディボンド)

【商品について / About the Product】

- 厚さ 0.12インチ (約 0.3 cm) のアルミニウム・ディボンド素材に最高品質でプリントいたします。/ Printed in the highest quality on 0.12 inch (approximately 0.3 cm) thick aluminum dibond material.
- 裏面にアルミニウム製レールが付いており、壁掛けにも対応しております。/ Comes with an aluminum rail on the back, ready for wall mounting.
- 丁寧に色校正をした後、作品を発送させていただきます。/ Carefully color-corrected and shipped after thorough inspection.
- 一点限りの商品となります。再販売はいたしません。/ This is a one-of-a-kind item and will not be reproduced.

【発送について / Shipping】

- 世界各地に拠点を置く WhiteWall社より、厳重に梱包の上、発送いたします。万が一商品が破損していた場合は、お時間をいただくことになりますが、再発送させていただきます。日本国外への発送にも対応しております。/ Shipped securely packed by WhiteWall, a company with global locations. In the unlikely event of damage, we will reship, although it will require some time. We also ship outside Japan.

【納期 / Delivery Time】10日〜14日 / 10 to 14 days

【購入特典 / Purchase Benefits】

- 原寸大のオリジナルデータ(JPEG/350dpi)をお送りいたします。/ Original full-size data (JPEG/350dpi) will be sent to you.
- 提供される画像は、ソーシャルメディアのアイコンやヘッダー素材、ポストカードや年賀状など、幅広い用途で自由にご利用いただけます。/ The provided images can be freely used for a wide range of applications, such as social media icons, header materials, postcards, and New Year's cards.
- 企業様のブランディングや製品プロモーションなど、商用利用の権利も含まれます。/ Includes rights for commercial use, such as corporate branding and product promotion.

【作者詳細 / Artwork Details】

作者 / Artist: Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹
作品名 / Title: Faith / 盲信
制作年 / Year of Creation: 2019
寸法 / Dimensions: 99.1 x 99.1 cm (39 x 39 inches)
URL: https://dolice.design/faith

【作品解説 / Artwork Description】


The saying ‘Until seven, children are with God’ truly captures my childhood, where God was my companion. Somewhat embarrassingly, not much has changed even as I’ve become an adult. God is love, encompassing all, regardless of good or evil, beauty or ugliness. Love is energy, and energy can be quantified. Numbers, in their precision, are art. Thus, God pervades everywhere as a physical existence. To live in this material world, we must keep the game going in our convenient reality, with the whereabouts of the soul as an unspoken agreement. However, God is inherent in everyone, and we all serve equally as the eyes and ears of God. We are entities separated from God. There is no hierarchy or superiority among humans; each of us is a singular, valuable being. No matter how distorted the reality around you may seem, or how lonely and difficult the present may be, remember that we were all born blessed.

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¥210,000 税込

