Quiet / 静粛 - Aluminum Dibond
¥125,000 tax included
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【印刷方法 / Printing Method】
Direct Print on Aluminum Dibond (ダイレクトプリント on アルミニウム・ディボンド)
【商品について / About the Product】
- 厚さ 0.12インチ (約 0.3 cm) のアルミニウム・ディボンド素材に最高品質でプリントいたします。/ Printed in the highest quality on 0.12 inch (approximately 0.3 cm) thick aluminum dibond material.
- 裏面にアルミニウム製レールが付いており、壁掛けにも対応しております。/ Comes with an aluminum rail on the back, ready for wall mounting.
- 丁寧に色校正をした後、作品を発送させていただきます。/ Carefully color-corrected and shipped after thorough inspection.
- 一点限りの商品となります。再販売はいたしません。/ This is a one-of-a-kind item and will not be reproduced.
【発送について / Shipping】
- 世界各地に拠点を置く WhiteWall社より、厳重に梱包の上、発送いたします。万が一商品が破損していた場合は、お時間をいただくことになりますが、再発送させていただきます。日本国外への発送にも対応しております。/ Shipped securely packed by WhiteWall, a company with global locations. In the unlikely event of damage, we will reship, although it will require some time. We also ship outside Japan.
【Purchases from Outside Japan】
If you are considering purchasing an artwork from outside Japan, please contact us via our contact menu, email, or direct message (DM). We can offer discounts by reducing the dimensions, and you are free to choose any customized size you wish.
【納期 / Delivery Time】
10日 / 10 days
【作者詳細 / Artwork Details】
作者 / Artist: Masaki Hirokawa / 廣川政樹
作品名 / Title: Quiet / 静粛
制作年 / Year of Creation: 2020
寸法 / Dimensions: 51 x 64 cm (20 x 25 inches)
URL: https://dolice.design/quiet
【作品解説 / Artwork Description】
In the latter part of the Heart Sutra, it is taught: “Recite, and the mind will vanish, the soul will become tranquil; everything is here, transcending all. Enlightenment will be attained at that moment. Everything is fulfilled in this mantra,” reassuring us that there is no need to worry.
All phenomena in the universe, the evolution and activities of all living beings, and even human senses and consciousness can be easily replicated; the way things are seen and heard varies from person to person. Even universal standards of value have been secretly and strictly controlled since ancient times. Especially at singularities in time and space, all physical laws cease to apply; a single electron can leap beyond time and space, potentially composing the entire universe. Cubes of extra dimensions encompassing three-dimensional space can also exist; therefore, the Eastern mystical teaching that “all is one” remains true both now and in the past.
Perhaps we are nothing more than shadows, and the world we see may lack true substance. Everything exists within nothingness; suffering, pain, and even our ever-fluctuating minds may be nothing more than transient illusions. Since this world is inherently empty, it is important to live without resisting the changing times, allowing ourselves to be carried along. However, no one can see the future, and living without harboring anxiety in our hearts is extremely difficult.
I believe that the process of living earnestly—enjoying the unseen, not forgetting dreams, fantasies, and compassion even within illusions—is precious. Even if this world is chaotic and full of falsehoods, please accept all things as a matter of course and love the fears within yourself. Nirvana always stays close to the hearts of all people.
Shipping method / fee
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¥125,000 tax included
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